What is Fleetio?
Fleetio is a Fleet Maintenance Management Software platform designed to help automate fleet operations tasks and keep vehicles and equipment running smoothly.
What Does the Integration Offer?
Intellishift's Integration with Fleetio provides fleets with the ability to synchronize key fleet datasets from the Intellishift platform to further empower your fleet's maintenance program. The Key Datasets are:
- Odometers
- Engine Hours
- Location
- Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Reported Vehicle Issues
Setting Up The Integration
Accessing Your Fleetio API Key
- Visit https://secure.fleetio.com/api_keys
- Click "Add API Key" button
- Add a Label for your API Key by Describing how you want to Use It.
Accessing Your Account Token
- Visit https://secure.fleetio.com/api_keys
- Below API Keys, You will see a section for Account Token
Enabling the Integration With IntelliShift
- Email the Fleetio API Key & Account Token to the Intellishift Product Team at Product@Intellishift.com
- Please Include what Datapoints you are looking to Integrate
- Odometer
- Engine Hours
- Location
- Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Please include the Duration(In Hours) that you want the Check Engine Light to be on for before we send the Asset's Diagnostic Trouble Codes to Fleetio.
- Inspection Reported Issues(Require IntelliShift Inspect Subscription)
Enabling the Integration for Reported Vehicle Issues
- To Enable the Reported Issues Bi-Directional Sync Between Fleetio and IntelliShift, You will need to ensure that the following Webhooks are Setup within Fleetio
- Navigate to Fleetio > Click Your User Icon > Integrations > Webhooks > Add Webhook
- When Adding a Webhook you will be required to provide the following items
URL: https://fleetio.intellishift.com/send-issue-comment-to-intellishift
- Authorization Header: (IntelliShift will Provide this Key when requesting to subscribe to this specific Integration)
Select Events:
- Issue Comment Added
- Work Order Comment Added
URL: https://fleetio.intellishift.com/send-issue-closure-to-intellishift
- Authorization Header:(IntelliShift will Provide this Key when requesting to subscribe to this specific Integration)
Select Events:
- Issue Closed
- Issue Resolved
URL: https://fleetio.intellishift.com/sync-work-order-to-issues
- Authorization Header:(IntelliShift will Provide this Key when requesting to subscribe to this specific Integration)
Select Events:
- Work Order Comment Added
- Work Order Status Changed
URL: https://fleetio.intellishift.com/send-issue-comment-to-intellishift
Integration Datapoint Overview
Understanding Odometer Datapoint Integration
- IntelliShift's Asset Odometer's will Sync twice per day At Midnight(Eastern), and Noon(Eastern)
- At the Time of the sync Intellishift Looks at any Asset where the Last Reported Date of that asset is Greater Then the Last Synced Meter Entry(Primary Meter) within Fleetio and where the Odometer Is Greater then or Equal to the Odometer within the Intellishift Platform.
- Intellishift's Odometer will be rounded down to the nearest whole number and synced over to fleetio.
- Within the Fleetio Platform You can see this the Odometer as the Meter Type of "Primary" with the Source of "API"
- Navigating to Vehicle > Meter History Allows a Fleetio User to see All Meter Entries for any Vehicle
- Navigating to Vehicles > Vehicle List > Clicking "Vehicle Name" > Meter History; provides the user with the ability to get insights in to that assets Meter Entries
Understanding Engine Hour Datapoint Integration
- IntelliShift's Asset Engine Hours will Sync twice per day At Midnight(Eastern), and Noon(Eastern)
- At the Time of the sync Intellishift Looks at any Asset where the Last Reported Date of that asset is Greater Then the Last Synced Meter Entry(Secondary Meter) within Fleetio and where the Engine Hour Is Greater then or Equal to the Engine Hour within the Intellishift Platform.
- Intellishift's Engine Hour will be rounded down to the nearest whole number and synced over to fleetio.
- Within the Fleetio Platform You can see this the Engine Hour as the Meter Type of "Secondary" with the Source of "API"
- Navigating to Vehicle > Meter History Allows a Fleetio User to see All Meter Entries for any Vehicle
- Navigating to Vehicles > Vehicle List > Clicking "Vehicle Name" > Meter History; provides the user with the ability to get insights in to that assets Meter Entries
NOTE: Not Seeing the Engine Hour Reading visible when looking at the Fleetio Pages?
- This could be because your Asset is not enabled For Secondary Odometer. Navigate to the Vehicle in Fleetio, Click Edit, Go to the Settings Tab, and Click the Check Box for "Secondary Meter". Denote the Value(Hours). Click Save Vehicle.
Understanding the Location Datapoint Integration
- IntelliShift's Asset Location will Sync twice per day At Midnight(Eastern), and Noon(Eastern)
- At the Time of the sync Intellishift Looks at any Asset where the Last Reported Date of that asset is Greater Then the Last Synced Location Entry within Fleetio.
- Within the Fleetio Platform You can see the Asset's Location History as the Location Entry Type of "Other"
- Navigating to Vehicles > Vehicle List > Clicking "Vehicle Name" > Location History; provides the user with the ability to get insights in to that assets Location history over time
- Navigating to Vehicles > Vehicle List > Clicking "Vehicle Name" > Overview > Last Known Location
Understanding the Diagnostic Trouble Code Integration
- IntelliShift Monitors your assets for the Status of the Check Engine Light.
- If your Check Engine Light goes on, the asset is monitored to see if the Check Engine Light maintains on longer then the requested duration(hours), Intellishift will send all Diagnostic Trouble Codes active at the time that the sync takes place.
- Intellishift will also sync specified Diagnostic Trouble Codes that have been designed by Intellishift as Critical to the health of the asset.
- P0218, P0298, P2560, P0455, P0524, P0300, P0120, P0121, P0122, P0123, P0124, P2111, P2135, P0217, P2105, P250F, P070F, P0868, P0869
- Within the Fleetio Platform you can see the IntelliShift Diagnostic Trouble Codes referenced as "Faults".
- Navigating to Issues > Faults; Allows a Fleetio User to see All Faults for any Vehicle
- Navigating to Vehicles > Vehicle List > Clicking "Vehicle Name" > Faults; provides the user with the ability to get insights in to that assets Triggered Diagnostic Trouble Codes over time
Understanding the Reported Vehicle Issues: Inspect (Requires a valid Subscription to IntelliShift Inspect)
- The Issues Integration with Fleetio is a Bi-Directional Integration. Meaning that data is sent to Fleetio and Intellishift is Monitoring Fleetio for Updates to Sync Back to the Reported Vehicle Issue within the Intellishift Platform.
- As Operators complete Inspections for Assets through the In The Field App, any failures are created as Issues within the Fleetio Platform.
- There are Two ways that Reported Issues within IntelliShift can be updated within the Fleetio Platform
- Closing the Issue Out Directly within Fleetio
- Navigate to Issues > Open the Issue > On The Top Right Corner, Click Resolve
- Within the Issue Itself, The Comments Tab, will allow the user to Record Comments about the Issue.
- Upon Resolving the Issue On the Fleetio Issue, The Reported Issue on IntelliShift Will receive the following Field Updates
- Status: Completed
- Activity: Any Comments marked within the Fleetio Issue, will be displayed within the Activity Tab as the User Name who closed the Issue.
- Closing the Issue Out Directly within Fleetio
Fleetio Issue:
IntelliShift Issue:
- Assigning the Issue to a Work Order & Closing the Work Order
- Navigate to Service > Work Orders > Click Add Work Order.
- Within the Work Order Fill Out all of your Work Order Details
- To Assign a Reported Vehicle Issue to the Work Order, Navigate the the Issues Section of the Work order and select any of the Open Issues For the Asset.
- When you are done with opening the work order click Save Work Order
- Any Comments added to the Work Order Comments Tab will allow a user to record comments about the work order
- Any Comments within the Work Order > Service Task Line Item Description will allow a user to record comments about the work order as well.
- To Complete the Work Order, Either Edit the Work Order and Change the status to Completed, or within the detail View of the Work Order, you can update the work Order to Completed Also.
- Upon Completing the Work Order within Fleetio, any Issue(s) assigned to that work order will be marked as resolved and the Reported Issue(s) within Intellishift will be updated with the following Field Updates:
Fleetio Field
Intellishift Field
Assigned to
Mechanic Name & Signature
Fleetio Work Order Comments Section
Issue - Activity Comments Section
Service Tasks Notes/Additional Details
Issue - Activity Comments Section
- Assigning the Issue to a Work Order & Closing the Work Order
Fleetio Work Order:
IntelliShift Issue(Updated From Work Order):
Frequently Asked Questions
How does IntelliShift Match Assets Between the Intellishift Platform and Fleetio?
- Intellishift Matches the IntelliShift Asset and Fleetio Asset, based on the Assets VIN.
- Intellishift Matches the IntelliShift Asset and Fleetio Asset, based on the Assets VIN.
Is there anything that I need to do in order to set up the Asset Match between Platforms?
- There is No specific pairing that a user needs to do in order to set up the integration. As long as the VIN's within the Asset's Profile matches the Assets VIN within the Fleetio Platform, once the integration is enabled the synchronization is completed.
Why Does IntelliShift Sync Whole Numbers of Odometer & Engine Hours to Fleetio?
- Intellishift had identified that most Work Orders or Inspections completed within the Fleetio platform are only recorded with the whole odometer and not often recording the decimal place value of the vehicle. This has caused meter entries to be automatically voided because the value that the operator or mechanic recorded was lower then the reported odometer from the Intellishift API.
- If the Asset within IntelliShift has an odometer of 1000.5 miles on it, and the mechanic on the recent work order or the operator on the recent inspection reported that the odometer was 1000, that meter entry would have been marked as voided because the odometer is lower then the 1000.5 miles that was captured by the vehicle.
- With IntelliShift syncing Whole Numbers of Odometer and Engine Hours, Intellishift will only sync the odometer as 1000 to help alleviate the operators or mechanics from having to record the decimal place on Work Orders or Inspections.
What are reasons why I would Not See an Odometer or Engine Hour Sync From IntelliShift to Fleetio?
- There are a few reasons why an asset within Fleetio Would not see an Odometer or Engine Hours sync. Here are some of the most common aspects:
- The VIN within Intellishift Doesnt Match the VIN on the Asset Within Fleetio
- The Asset's Last Reported Date/Time Is Less then the Last Synced Meter Entry Date.
- Example: Current Odometer on Asset within IntelliShift is 100 miles. The Odometer on the Asset within Fleetio was 100 Miles. the Asset within IntelliShift's Last Reported Date / Time is 5:00am Eastern on 8/8/24, the last Successful Meter Entry Date within Fleetio for this Asset was 12:00pm Eastern on 8/8/24. When Intellishift Goes to Sync the Odometer for this asset on 8/9/24 at 12:00am. We would not sync this Asset to Fleetio because the asset has not reported Beyond the Last Successful Sync of 8/9/24 12:00pm Eastern.
- If the Odometer in Fleetio is Larger then the Odometer is within IntelliShift. Fleetio Doesn't let the Odometer go backwards.
- There are a few reasons why an asset within Fleetio Would not see an Odometer or Engine Hours sync. Here are some of the most common aspects:
Why Does Intellishift Only Sync Diagnostic Trouble Codes if the check Engine Light has been on for a specific duration?
There are two main reasons why IntelliShift might only sync Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) if the check engine light has been on for a specific duration:
Reduce Noise: Diagnostic trouble codes can be plentiful, and some may not be critical or even indicate a real problem. By only syncing codes that trigger a check engine light and have been on for a while, IntelliShift helps to filter out these less important codes. This reduces the amount of information your maintenance team in Fleetio needs to deal with, allowing them to focus on the most critical issues that are likely to cause problems.
Prioritize Repairs: Not all DTCs are created equal. Some indicate a minor issue that may not require immediate attention, while others signal a more serious problem that could lead to a breakdown. By only syncing codes that have been on for a set period, IntelliShift helps to prioritize repairs. The maintenance team can address the most critical issues first, ensuring the overall health and reliability of the fleet.
This approach allows IntelliShift to strike a balance between providing valuable information and keeping your Fleetio system from being overloaded with potentially irrelevant data.
Does Intellishift Sync Immediately for Critical Diagnostic Trouble Codes?
- Yes, IntelliShift has identified the Top Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Codes, and anytime your asset Triggers one of those codes, the DTC will immediately be sent to the Fleetio Platform.
How Often Does Intellishift Sync with Fleetio For Issues?
- On any Created issues from within the IntelliShift Platform, will Immediately be synced to Fleetio upon the report of the issue through the In The Field Mobile App
- On Any Repairs done within Fleetio for Reported Issues, these will be monitored for in Real-Time, and the Intellishift Reported Issue(s) will be updated.
What Will My Operator See Within the In the Field App Regarding an Issue That Is Resolved through Fleetio?
- After a repair of an Issue has been made through Fleetio, when the Operator Signs back in to the IntelliShift In The Field App, the Operator will go to perform the inspection on their Asset, and then be presented with the Last Inspection for them to Sign off on when an issue was reported. Please See the Image Below for a Reference in what an Operator would see.
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