Update safety events to "Coached," "Coaching Needed," or "No Coaching Needed" in order to stay organized and keep your colleagues informed of event coaching status.
Please note:
- Operators do not see coaching status of videos nor coaching notes. However, all office users with access to AI Dash Cam can view the coaching status and notes.
Table of Contents
- View Events
- Video Status
- Update Coaching Status
- Mass or Bulk Coach
- Review Coaching Status and Notes
View Events
To view events and update an event coaching status, follow these steps:
- In the left-hand navigation, select the "AI Dash Cam” service module.
- In the top navigation, select "Events."
Video Status
Video statuses help you stay organized and understand the next action needed.
Events automatically triggered by safety events or manually triggered by the operator will display in the events view as "New." Once you review the event, you can change the coaching status to reflect what has been done or what's needed.
Coaching Statuses:
No Coaching Needed: This is a manual change by an office user. It indicates that no coaching is needed.
- Please note, when you mark a video as "No Coaching Needed," the safety point deduction defined by your company scorecard will be granted back to the operator.
- Coaching Needed: This is a manual change by an office user. It indicates that the behavior in the event is considered risky and the operator needs further guidance.
- Coached: This is a manual change by an office user. It indicates that a conversation with the operator has taken place regarding the observed risky behavior.
Video Request Statuses:
- Queued: Video has been successfully requested. The asset is not in operation and/or the asset doesn't have sufficient cell reception.
- Pending Upload: Video has been successfully requested and the camera is queueing the video to be uploaded.
Uploading: Video has been successfully requested, the asset's ignition is on, and the video is currently being uploaded.
- Upload times may vary due to cell reception.
- Video Not Available: Video is not available. For example, an asset may not have been in operation at requested video time/date. Therefore, the camera was not recording. If you believe the asset was in operation, please contact our support team.
Update Coaching Status
To update the coaching status of an event, follow these steps:
Mass or Bulk Coach
IntelliShift allows you to quickly identify problematic driver behavior with a single driver or across multiple drivers or branches. In the event that you address a driver's risky behavior that spans multiple events, or perhaps you address multiple drivers' behaviors, you may want to update multiple events at once.
Follow the steps below in order to "mass coach" by operator, event type (e.g., phone use), branch, and more.
Review Coaching Status and Notes
When you update an event coaching status or create coaching notes, other office users can view them. In order to view coaching status and notes, follow the steps below:
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