There may be instances where a video clip is needed that doesn’t fall within the types of events automatically captured by your fleet's AI Dash Cams.
For example, you may want to exonerate your driver against a false claim, or pull a clip of an incident that happened while idling. In such cases, you can submit a request to upload footage that falls outside of these standard events.
Please note:
- The AI Dash Cam 400 contains an SD Card that stores up to 50 hours of video. It is critically important that you retrieve this video before it is overwritten by additional recording.
- If the vehicle's engine can not run, you will need to physically retrieve the SD Card from the camera to access the desired video footage. Please contact IntelliShift Support for guidance on accessing the SD Card.
Table of Contents
- Best Practices
- Request Video by Asset
- Request Video by Location
- Review Status of Video Request
Best Practices
Here are the best practices and steps you can take to retrieve an incident video clip:
- If you know the exact date and time of the accident as well as the asset involved, you can "Request Video by Asset." If you know the relative location, date, and time, but are unsure of the asset, you can "Request Video by Location."
- If you don't know the date and time, you can determine the probable date and time of the incident using telematics data reports (e.g., Events Report / Stops with Options Report).
- Request relevant video clips (2 minute duration maximum).
- Ensure the conditions are met for successful video upload.
- The vehicle must be ON with good cell reception for the video to upload from the AI Dash Cam 400 to the IntelliShift platform.
- To immediately see if a vehicle is on or off, navigate to Telematics > Map View, search using the quick zoom tool for the asset (magnifying glass in the upper right-hand corner), click the vehicle to open the card and look at “Ignition Status: ON”
- If the vehicle is OFF at the time of the request, the video will be queued until the next time the vehicle is turned on.
- If the vehicle cannot be safely turned on, you will need to retrieve footage from the SD card. Contact our support team for assistance.
- The vehicle must be ON with good cell reception for the video to upload from the AI Dash Cam 400 to the IntelliShift platform.
- Review the video clips to identify accident.
Request Video Navigation Overview
To request a video, follow these steps:
- In the left-hand navigation, select the "AI Dash Cam” service module.
- In the top navigation, select "Events."
- In the top right-hand corner, select the button “Request Video.”
- You will now have the option to request the video by asset or location.
Request Video by Asset
If the asset involved in known, and you know the time and date of the incident, it may be best to request the video "by asset." Watch the short video below to learn how to make this request.
Request Video by Location
For incidents in which you know the approximate time and location, but are unsure of the asset, it may be best to request the video "by location." Watch the short video below to learn how to make this request.
Review Status of Video Request
To review the status of the video request, follow the steps below:
- In the left-hand navigation, select the "AI Dash Cam” service module.
- In the top navigation, select "Events."
- In the top search and filter fields, select the "Video Statuses" dropdown and check additional statuses to view pending requests.
The status will display to the far right of the video. The statuses include:
- Queued: Video has been successfully requested. The asset is not in operation and/or the asset doesn't have sufficient cell reception.
- Pending Upload: Video has been successfully requested and the camera is queueing the video to be uploaded.
Uploading: Video has been successfully requested, the asset's ignition is on, and the video is currently being uploaded.
- Upload times may vary due to cell reception.
- Video Not Available: Video is not available. For example, an asset may not have been in operation at requested video time/date. Therefore, the camera was not recording. If you believe the asset was in operation, please contact our support team.
New: A new video is ready for your review.
- New videos can be manually triggered by the driver, automatically uploaded due to a safety event or due to an uploaded video request.
- No Coaching Needed*: This is a manual change by an office user.
- Coaching Needed*: This is a manual change by an office user.
- Coached*: This is a manual change by an office user.
*To learn more about coaching, see our article Update Event Coaching Status.
Please see our IntelliShift AI Dash Cam 400 FAQ to learn more.
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