LED Behavior
The Green and Amber LEDs on your VG-800 device provide visual cues to help you troubleshoot common issues.
Boot Up LED Sequence:
Green & Amber LED: Both LED comes on for 1 second and goes off. While the device is booting up, the Green and Amber LED's will remain not illuminated.
- This boot-up process takes < 30 seconds
Green LED:
- Fast Blinking: The device is actively acquiring a GPS signal.
- Slow Blinking (Every Second): A stable GPS signal has been established.
Amber LED:
- Blinking: The device is acquiring data connectivity & an connection to the IntelliShift Platform.
- Solid: A stable data connection to IntelliShift.
Amber & Green LED:
- Solid Green and Blinking Amber: The device is undergoing a Firmware upgrade.
No Lights:
- The device is in a deep sleep state or is not receiving power.
Error Code Troubleshooting
If the Amber LED is solid and the Green LED is not illuminated, the device may be in a deep sleep state.
- If you shake the device, the LED's should illuminate, and go in to the Boot Up Sequence
- If No Lights are illuminating the device may be experiencing a power issue. Please refer to the VG-800 installation instructions to validate power is being applied to the device
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