Processing a Service allows the Work order to be completed and a follow-up service to be created.
- Within IntelliShift, click Vehicle Service from the Left-hand side of the screen.
- Within the Vehicle Service application, the user will be brought to the upcoming service screen.
- To Complete a service on a particular Asset, locate the Work order by Filtering the Screen to the particular Branch or Asset
- Once you have located the asset that needs to have the service completed for, click the "Process" button to the Right of the work order.
- The user will be directed to the Service job for that asset.
- Within this screen, the user will have to verify a few details & update them when necessary.
- Service Date - The Date and which the service was completed. Click the Date to have the Calendar appear to change the date in which the service was completed.
- Odometer at the Time of Service - Verify or enter the correct odometer at the time the asset was serviced.
- Engine Hours as of Service - Verify or enter the correct Engine Hours at the time that the asset was serviced.
- Vendor - The ability to select the vendor who had serviced the asset. If the Vendor is not available Click Vendor Setup from the Left-hand side of the screen to create the vendor.
- Labor Hours - Enter the total labor hours used to complete the job.
- Labor Cost - Enter the dollar amount for the labor to complete the job.
- Update Current Engine Hours and Odometer - If the user clicks the checkbox the user will be provided a way to update the current Odometer and Engine Hours of the asset.
- Once the Service details have been verified the user will be able to manage the Parts used for the job.
- the User can select the Parts from the dropdown menu and if a part does not exist the user can click Add Part to create a new part and have it added to the job.
- Enter the PO number used to purchase the part.
- Enter the count to identify the quantity of the part that has been utilized.
- The Total Price will appear which takes the cost per unit and multiplies it by the Count entered.
- Click Insert to add the Part to the Job
- Utilized the notes field to add any additional notes to the work order.
- If the Reschedule option is not marked off the user can click reschedule to create a recurring job from this job.
- Click Save, this will mark the work order as complete.
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