The Silent Passenger application within IntelliShift offers Safety and coaching features which provides users with the ability to help promote a safer fleet. The Driver Scorecard is a part of the Safety feature, allowing their operators or be scored against their counterparts in areas of asset safety such as High Speed, Posted Speed Limit, Idling, and Acceleration. Users can configure the parameters such as Threshold limits, Durations, and Points that these exceptions should reduce an operator's score by.
Creating a Driver Scorecard
- Log into IntelliShift and click the Silent Passenger app.
- Go to Tools and click Driver Management
- Once within the Driver Scorecard screen click "Add a Score Card"
- Create a name for the Score Card
- Select the Branch that the Scorecard will be assigned to
- Since Scorecards are set by Branch, The Scorecard will contain all assets that belong to the branch. Also, if the scorecard is left to Shared Score Card, it will be applied to all Assets.
- Define the Following Fields based on Company Policies:
- Idling - Allows the user to configure the duration of idling where the operator's score will be reduced if the Idling has been met or exceeded.
- Speeding - Users can configure a High-Speed Limit and a Duration value to set part of the scorecard to reduce the score of an operator when they have exceeded the Speed threshold by the number of Minutes defined in the duration field.
- SP Speed Exception - Users can configure a value of MPH above the Posted Speed Limit and a Duration value to set part of the scorecard to reduce the score of an operator when they have exceeded the Posted Speed Limit threshold by the number of Minutes defined in the duration field.
- Rapid Acceleration - Users will define the number of points to be reduced when a Rapid Acceleration event occurs.
- Hard Breaking - Users will define the number of points to be reduced when a Hard Breaking event occurs.
- Users can then add additional notes within the Description field to further describe the scorecard.
- Click Save.
Generating an On-Demand Score Card Report
- Log into IntelliShift and click the Silent Passenger app.
- From the Top Menu, Click Reports and choose "On Demand"
- From within the On-Demand Reports page, click Driver Score Card Report
- The Driver Scorecard Reports are run by Score Card rather than by Asset, Operator or by Branch
- Select the Scorecard you want to run the Report for.
- Click Next
- Choose the Start Date & End Date
- Click Finish
- Once the Report has generated it will display the following information:
- Score Card Name - The name defined within the configuration of the Score Card
- Score Card Parameters - The Parameters defined by the user within the creation of the Score Card
- Asset Name - The Asset Name as configured within Asset Administration
- Operator Name - The Operator who was utilizing the asset during the time frame of the generated report.
- Branch - The Branch that the asset resides within. This is controlled from within Branch Administration.
- Overall Score - The Overall Score will display the operator with the lowest score at the top of the report with the better scores as the user views lower of the report.
- Exceptions - Exceptions are broken into expandable categories displaying the event names of the thresholds exceeded as well as a count of how many times the threshold was broken. Once the category has been expanded, it will display the Location, Date & Time that the event had taken place with the number of points that each event had reduced the operator's score by.
- By clicking the Export Option, this report can be exported to Word or Excel.
Creating a Scheduling a Driver Score Card Report
- Log into IntelliShift and click the Silent Passenger app.
- From the Top Menu click Reports, you will see options like Route Playback, On Demand, Scheduled and Logs. Click Scheduled.
- Within the Scheduled Page, it will display all of the scheduled email reports at the top, On the orange bar below the scheduled reports click Create Report
- From the Left-hand side of Create Report will be a list of the reports available to be scheduled for automatic delivery.
- Choose the Report "Driver Score Card Report"
- Select the Scorecard that you want to have delivered.
- Click Next
- Step 2 would be configuring the schedule, Reports can be delivered Daily, Weekly, Bi-Weekly and even Monthly.
- Choose the Time of when to receive the report, with the designated Time Zone.
- Click Next
- Step 3 is where the user will Name the Report, Choose how the report will be delivered (Excel, CSV, PDF, Hyperlink) and fill in the appropriate Parameters.
- Click Next
- Step 4 the user will define the email recipient(s) who will receive the report based on the scheduled time.
- Click Finish.
Minimum Threshold Set to Driver Scorecard Configuration
- Idle minimum threshold:1 minute
- Speeding minimum threshold: 25 mph
- Speeding over the Posted Speed Limit minimum threshold: 1 mph over the Posted Speed Limit
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