IntelliShift's HOS Application is called SP Logbook. SP Logbook is available on Android and iOS devices and utilized by operators to keep track of their Hours of Service and Records of Duty Status to stay in compliance with the December 2017 FMCSA Mandate.
Links to download the SP Logbook App
SP Logbook for iOS: Click Here to Download
SP Logbook for Android: Click Here to Download
In this section we will be reviewing:
- Device Requirements of SP Logbook
- Logging Into SP Logbook
- Connecting to Assets
- Changing your Duty Statuses
- Managing your Currently Remaining Time
- Understanding the Status Page
- Viewing Graph Data & Duty Statuses
- Handling Road-Side Inspections
- Editing Logs & Approving Edits
- Certifying Driver Logs
- Unclaimed Driving Events
Device Requirements of SP Logbook
- Bluetooth Enabled
- Location Services Enabled & Permission for SP Logbook to utilize Location Services
- Cellular Enabled Device
- Android Requirement: Android OS 5.1 +
- iOS Requirement: iOS 10.3 +
Logging into SP Logbook
- Once you have downloaded the SP Logbook app upon the first initial launch you will be required to enter the DOT Number.
- This can be found on the side of the truck
- Once the DOT Number has been entered you will be able to enter your passcode
- The passcode will be 4 or more numerical digits long and have been assigned to you by an IntelliShift User within your organization
- Upon Logging into SP Logbook it will begin searching for nearby Assets for a connection.
- This Connection is made via Bluetooth.
- You must be within 50ft of the Asset in order to Discover your Truck
- A list of Discovered Assets will appear.
- The Assets will appear with the Asset Number, as defined in IntelliShift.
- Select the Asset you are operating to complete the connection.
- Once the connection is complete, you will be brought to the Status Screen.
Connecting to Assets
Connecting to Assets happens in two ways which are described just below.
- At Login - At the Login screen, after the user has entered their Passcode, SP Logbook will begin searching via Bluetooth to discover the asset. Keep in mind that you need to be near the asset in order to discover it. The discovery process takes about 30 seconds to fully complete in which it will return a list of all discovered Assets. The operator will then select the asset they are operating. Once the connection has completed the operator will be brought to the Status Screen.
- Operators may not connect at the login screen as they log in to the SP Logbook app from within the office to start their day.
- From the Truck Info Page
- Operators can access this, from within the Status Page of the SP Logbook App.
- Click the Gear Wheel Icon(Image) above the Off Duty Status button.
- Within the Truck Page, the Operator can click Rescan where it will begin the discovery process.
- The Discovery process will take about 30 seconds to complete where it will display the discovered assets on the screen for the driver to select the asset to connect to.
- Once the asset has been selected from within the connection window, the connection will be established.
- When the connection has been fully established the operator will get a confirmation on the screen regarding Saving Changes. The Operator will click Save to apply the connect to the Driver Log.
Changing your Duty Statuses
Within SP Logbook there are 4 Duty Statuses that will be located on the right side of the Status page. These Duty Statuses are represented as Tiles, where the user will see the following tiles
- ON - ON Represents that the operator is On-Duty but not operating an Asset.
- OFF - OFF Represents that the operator is Off Duty and not working for the motor carrier.
- SB - SB Represents that the operator is engaged in the Sleeper Berth of the asset. This does require the asset to meet the requirements of what is entailed within the asset for it to qualify for a Sleeper Cab.
- D - D represents as Driving for an operator. This means that the operator is On-Duty and operating an Asset.
Status Changes
- When an Operator signs into the app at the beginning of the day and is considered "On The Clock" the operator will go On-Duty. The change to this status happens manually.
- When an Operator is ready to utilize an asset, the operator will be able to get into the asset and start to drive. This will automatically push the driver into the Driving duty status.
- When an Operator Stops at a location, this allows the operator to manually change their duty status to On Duty or Off Duty. However, built into the SP Logbook app is a security feature to ensure that the driver does not get left in the Driving Duty status.
- Once the driver has stopped, SP Logbook will detect that the asset is no longer in motion and start a 5-minute timer. If the driver has not changed their duty status within that time or begun driving again, at the end of that timer the operator will receive a prompt within the app letting them know to change their duty status. If no action had been taken within that prompt within 60 seconds the operator will have been put into the On-Duty status.
- When the Asset's Ignition turns off, the operator will receive a a prompt to change their duty status, if the operator does not engage on the prompt within 60 seconds, the operator will be moved to the On-Duty Status. As soon as the Ignition is turned on, and the operator starts to drive the asset they will be pushed back to the Driving Duty Status.
- When the Tablet gets disconnected from the Telematics Gateway, the operator will receive a prompt asking for them to change their duty status. Every 30 seconds, the tablet will work to reconnect the tablet back to the gateway. If no response is provided within the prompt within 60 seconds, the operator will be pushed to the On Duty Status.
- When an Operator is ready to take a rest break or end their shift, they will manually click the Off Duty Button. Once the Off Duty button is clicked the driver will have an option to certify their driver logs.
- If the Operator is going to sleep within the Sleeper cab of the asset, the driver can manually click the Sleeper Berth Status which will register their time as Off Duty.
Managing Currently Remaining Time
Within the Status Page Operators can see how much time they have left before a period of rest is needed. these counters update minute by minute for the operator and the red bar will decrease the longer the operator has engaged in work-related activities such as On Duty or Driving.
- Rest Break - For Property Carrying Motor Carrier's a rest break will be required to be started within the first 8 hours of their day. In order to complete a rest break, the operator must be Off Duty for 30 minutes
- Shift / Drive - For Property Carrying Motor Carrier's a Shift / Drive reset will be obtainable by engaging the Off Duty status or Sleeper Berth Status for 10 consecutive hours. For Passenger Carrying Motor Carrier's this Shift / Drive reset is obtained by 8 hours Off Duty.
- Cycle Reset - For Property Carrying Motor Carrier's a Cycle reset will be obtainable by being Off Duty for a total of 34 hours. For Passenger Carrying Motor Carrier's, there is no cycle reset. Their cycle is a rolling cycle which means the oldest days On Duty/DriveTime is added back to the operator's time upon that driver log falling outside the 7-day cycle.
Once the Operator has engaged the Off Duty/Sleeper Berth Status above the Duty Status tiles will contain a countdown to display to the operator how much time they have before the rest periods have completed. The timer will start with a 30-minute timer, that timer will count down to 0. Once that timer has transitioned to 0 it will reset the operator's Rest time back to the full 8 hours. Once that timer hits 0, it will as well automatically start to count down from 9 hours and 30 minutes, and when that timer hits 0 it will reset the operator's Shift & Drive timers. Lastly, for property-carrying motor carriers, there will be one additional timer that will be displayed counting down from 24 hours to 0, which will reset your cycle limit. If at any time the operator engages the On-duty status the operator's rest timers will go away and require the operator to start from the beginning.
Status Page
The Status page will be the place where operators spend most of their time while using the SP Logbook App.
- The left side of the Status Page will contain the operator's rest time remaining counters
- Below the counters will display to the operator any violations they have.
- Green represents No Violations
- Red Represents Violations - Click the violation to receive the full details.
- The right side of the app contains the duty status tiles. This is where the operator can see their current status as well as change their status to a new status.
- Click the tile that you want to change your status to (Keep in mind that the Driving Duty Status will happen automatically.)
- The currently engaged status will be highlighted in blue.
- Above the Currently remaining screen, it will also display the current status along with the time and date that you had entered that status.
- Above the Duty, Status tiles will contain the currently selected/connected Asset.
- Be sure to pay attention to the banner. If the operator is receiving a red banner that states not connected to the asset. That means that the operator is not connected via Bluetooth and this will cause the driver not to be able to be put into the Driving duty status automatically.
- Below the duty status tiles, the operator will see a Certify Driver Log(When the operator is in an Off Duty Status)
- The Gear Wheel will direct the operator to the Truck information page.
Viewing an Operator's Graph
By clicking the Graph tab, this will allow an operator to see their Record of Duty Status displayed within the graph of each day.
- The Calendar icon allows the operator to select a date for that day's graph.
- The Arrows on the right side, allow the operator to transition between days.
- The Pencil icon allows the operator to make edits to their driver log.
- The graph will display the times spent within each status over the 24 hour period
- If looking at the current driver log, the current status will be displayed in blue. This represents that the status has not ended yet. The statuses in red represent previous statuses.
- Yard Move will be represented in the graph as a Green segment, with black slashes through it.
- Personal Conveyance will be represented in the graph as a Blue segment, with Black slashes through it.
- Above the graph, it will display the time spent On duty(Driving or Not) for each day of the cycle over the last 8 days.
Viewing an Operator's Log
By clicking the Logs tab, this will allow the operator to see their Duty Status changes for each of their driver logs. The SP Logbook app will record the following statuses:
- Log In / Log Off - The times that an operator had logged In and out of the app.
- On duty - Time in which the operator had engaged the On Duty status.
- Off Duty - Time in which the operator had engaged the Off Duty status.
- Driving - Time when the operator was engaged in operating the asset.
- Sleeper Berth - Time in which the operator was sleeping within the Sleeper cab of the asset.
- Intermediate Convention - Intermediate convention will be displayed for every 1 consecutive hour that the operator is within the Driving Duty status.
- Certification - Displays that the operator has certified its driver log.
Each of these duty statuses will record the following information to be entered on the operator's log.
- Status - This will display the status identifier as described above.
- Time - The time that the status was engaged.
- Location - The City and State that the status had taken place in.
- Mileage - The asset's odometer at the time the status took place.
- Engine Hours - The asset's Engine Hours at the time that the status took place.
- Origin - For the origin, it will either display as "Driver" or "Automatically Recorded"
- Driver - This represents that the operator had manually taken an action, like clicking the On Duty Status.
- Automatically Recorded - This represents actions automatically captured, such as the Asset's ignition being turned On or Off.
- Operator - The Operators name that the status belongs to
- Asset - The Asset that the status was assign to. this can show multiple assets within a single driver log if the operator was utilizing multiple assets within the same day.
Handling Road-Side Inspections
The SP Logbook app contains the ability to lock the app down within "Inspection Mode" which will only display the officer the information that is needed.
- Within the app click "Inspection Mode" from the top part of the app to the right of the operator's name
- The Calendar icon will allow the officer to pick a date of the driver log within the current cycle.
- The Arrows will allow the officer to transition between days within the current cycle.
- The Officer will be able to see the graph per day within the current cycle
- The middle section of the inspection mode screen will contain all of the necessary details of the Motor Carrier, Operator, ELD manufacturer details, and Asset details.
- At the bottom of the app, it will display the duty status changes.
- The DVIR Logs button will display the current cycle worth of inspections for the asset the operator is utilizing.
- The 3 lines on the Top-right hand corner of the app will allow the driver log to be submitted to the FMCSA for the officer to review further.
- All the user will need to do is to click Submit via Email or Web Service. The operator will receive a prompt with a field to enter comments. Within the Comments, the operator must enter the officer's unique code supplied at the inspection for it to be found within the officer's portal.
- This will submit the last 7 days plus todays driver log within a single submission to the FMCSA.
- At the end of the Road-Side Inspection, the operator can click Done on the top left of the app to exist inspection mode. The Operator will be required to enter their passcode in order to exit.
Editing Driver Logs
Operators have the ability to edit their driver logs from within the SP Logbook app. This allows the operator to be in control of their driver log to ensure that any issues are corrected.
- Within the Graph or Logs Tab, the operator can click the edit pencil
- Once within the Edit screen, the operator will see their graph and all of the duty status entries.
- Delete Button(image) - The delete function will allow the operator to remove the status from the log.
- Insert Above Button(Image) - The Insert above function will allow the operator to add a new status in between the 2 existing statuses. For example: if the operator forgot to take a 30-minute rest break.
- Add New Button(Image) - Adding a new status will allow the operator to add a new status to the end of the operator's log. The Time selected must be beyond the last duty status time.
- Modifying Existing Entry(Image) - By clicking an existing entry the operator will be able to modify the status time, or duty status itself. As well it does provide the operator the ability to add an annotation to the status.
When editing an existing driver log entry, the operator will be required to enter a remark to declare why the edit was made.
When adding a new duty status, the operator will be required to enter the Status, Location(City, State), Time, and a Remark.
Approving Edits
Users within IntelliShift can make edits on behalf of an operator. However, these edits made are required to be approved by the operator in order for them to be put into effect on the driver log. When an edit has been made and the operator is currently logged in to the SP Logbook app, the operator will receive a banner notification letting them know that they have an edit for review. If they were not logged within the app at the time that an edit was made, upon next log in the edit will be pulled into the SP Logbook app and made available within the Certify Tab.
- Log in to the SP Logbook app
- Click the Certify Tab
- Within the Certify tab, there are 4 additional tabs. Click Driver Log Edit Request
- The Operator will see entries within this screen, displaying the following information
- Log Date - The date of the driver log that has a pending edit.
- Requested By - The IntelliShift User that requested the changes.
- Requested On - The date and time that the edit was requested.
- Added - Displays the number of statuses Added to the driver log.
- Deleted - Displays the number of statuses Deleted from the driver log.
- Changed - Displays the number of statuses Changed within the driver log.
- Click the Log Date of the edit that you want to review
- It will first display the current log(No Modifications), click Preview Changes
- Preview Changes will allow the operator to see all of the changes color-coordinated to easily see what was Modified, Added, or Deleted.
- If the operator agrees with these changes click Approve. If the operator does not agree they can click Reject, which will deny all the changes.
- If approving, the user will receive a confirmation prompt on-screen which will require the operator to click Agree for the edits to be completely approved.
Certifying Driver Logs
Certifying driver logs are important as this is the agreeance that the operator places on the log to state that they agree with all of the duty status entries within the log for that date. Certifications of a driver log happen at the end of each day for the operator.
- Once the operator is ready to sign out of the SP Logbook app for the day, the operator will click the Off-Duty button. Once the Off Duty status button has been clicked the operator will be presented with a Certify Current Driver Log button, below the duty status tiles. By clicking this button the driver will be agreeing to the duty statuses within the driver log.
- For the days in which an operator was not working, SP Logbook will automatically create the driver log as Off duty. However, the driver will still need to certify these logs to represent that the driver logs are correct. In order to do this, the operator must go to the Certify tab, and within the Certify tab, the operator will be directed to the uncertified driver logs.
- This will display any of the driver logs within the current cycle that has not been certified.
- Click the driver log date to review the driver log and the duty status entries
- At the Top-right of the driver log click Certify
- The operator will be provided with an on-screen confirmation which will require the operator to click Agree to complete the certification of the driver log.
- Repeat the process as many times as necessary until all driver logs are certified.
- At the time in which an operator is signing out of the SP Logbook app, the app will run through validation and one step in the validation is an automatic check of any uncertified driver logs. If there are driver logs that need to be certified the operator will receive an on-screen notification directing the user to go to the Certify tab to certify any outstanding driver logs that have not been certified.
Unclaimed Driving Events
Unclaimed Driving Events are events of Driving and Stops where there was no operator connected to the Bluetooth of the Asset. There are 2 ways that unclaimed driving events can be found and action is taken to have them claimed.
- Within the SP Logbook app, the operator can go to the certify tab
- Within the certify tab, the operator can click the tab "Drive Time Assignment"
- Within the Drive Time Assignment screen, the operator will be able to see the unclaimed events grouped by day.
- On the screen, the operator will be able to see the following fields
- Event Name - This will display to the operator if the unclaimed event was Driving or On Duty
- Driving Events - Events where the asset was moving
- On Duty - Events where the asset was Stopped.
- Start Time - The time that the unclaimed event had started.
- End Time - The time that the unclaimed event had ended.
- Start Location - The Location where the unclaimed event had started.
- End Location - The Location where the unclaimed event had ended.
- Event Name - This will display to the operator if the unclaimed event was Driving or On Duty
- The operator can select a single unclaimed event, or by clicking the toggle switch to the right of the date, the operator can claim a full day of unclaimed events.
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