Silent Passenger's Tool tab provides users with the ability to Manage Operator Assignments to Assets, Landmarks, Geofences, and send Driver's a text message.
Operator Assignment
Operator assignment allows users to assign Operators to an asset they are currently using, or schedule them to be assigned to the asset for a future date and time. The user will as well be able to assign the operator to the asset for a set shift period, or until be able to choose to keep the driver assigned until reassigned. At this time a single operator can be assigned to a single asset, However, with the scheduling feature, Silent Passenger's operator assignment will allow you to set up a future-looking schedule.
Click here to learn how to assign Operators to Assets.
Landmarks are utilized within Silent Passenger to create specific points of interest that are matched to a specific address. These are often utilized to mark the company locations, customer locations, vendors, but with the ability to create custom categories this tool provides endless possibilities. Within the Tools tab, users with the appropriate permissions will be able to Add, Edit, or Delete Landmarks. Within Manage Landmarks users will be able to handle the creation of categories and define specific icons to represent those landmarks residing within those categories.
Intellishift offers the ability to have landmarks imported into the system as well.
Click here to learn more about Landmarks.
Silent Passenger's utilization of Geofences is different from the utilization of Landmarks. Geofences are zones that are created to provide users with the ability to track entrances, exits, and even asset activity within these zones. These are often utilized for job sites, where the operations team wants to be able to identify the times that the assets are entering the job site and exiting the job site. From a safety/job site compliance standpoint with the utilization of Geofences and reports that Silent Passenger has developed for these geofences, it can provide users within these roles with the ability to identify a major part of the job which is making sure assets and operators are following compliance.
Click here to learn more about Geofences.
Send Operator a Text Message
Within the Silent Passenger application, users are able to send out one-way messages to their operators, either to a single operator or a group of operators at a time. These messages can be used for sending out company notifications, job-related notices or any other organization functions where notifying the operators are a must.
Click here to learn more about Sending Drivers a Text Message.
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