August 2021 Hotfix Release [8/31/2021]
- Resolved an issue where users of some web browswers received a 'STATUS_BREAKPOINT' error message and were forced out of the IntelliShift platform.
Release v1.4 SP8 [5/25/2021]
- Enhancements to Geofence Violations and Mileage Classification Reports to support scheduling e-mail reports
- Improved handling for failed inspections within the In The Field - Inspect mobile application
- Bug fixes for Map Views and Map Layouts to optimize loading and user experience
- Bug fixes for On Demand Reports
- Bug fixes within E-mail Report Scheduler
Release 2021.03.12 [3/12/2021]
- IntelliShift Released Real Time Reports
- Users can now Control Audio Volume within AI Video
- Users will be required to watch the full video before changing the Coaching Status
- IntelliShift Inspect Now Allowing users to Assign / Un-assign Operators to/from an Asset
- Inspect allows users to set up a business flow around what part of a failed inspection creates an issue
Release 2021.02.17.1 [2/17/2021]
- New reports added to the IntelliShift Data Analysis Studio
GeoFence Summary report
Enhanced Odometer report
Landmark Category Stops report
Fuel Card Activity report
- Added operator field to all recorded events in AI Video
- Bug fixes to Fleet IQ
- Bug fixes to Administration
- Bug fixes to Filter Layers in Silent Passenger MapView
Hotfix 2021.02.10 [2/10/2021]
- User Interface changes to AI Video application
Hotfix 2021.01.27 SP 7.1 [1/27/2021]
- Update to remote technical support link
- Styling enhancements to diagnostic section within asset bubble in Silent Passenger
Hotfix 2021.01.25 [1/26/2021]
- Silent Passenger bug fix to asset bubble
Release v1.4 SP7 [1/21/2021]
- Visual enhancements to AI Video asset list & save event table filter
- Improved usability in Fleet IQ
- Bug fixes to IntelliShift Data Analysis Studio
- Improved user experience in Administration
HotFix 2021.01.14 [1/14/21]
- Performance enhancements to IntelliShift Data Analysis Studio
Hot Feature 2021.01.12 [1/12/21]
- Introduction of cell phone carrier field in Administration for driver texting
Hot Feature 2021.01.09 [1/9/21]
- Silent Passenger Dashboard metric system conversion
Release 2020.12.31 [12/31/20]
- Introduction of IntelliShift Data Analysis Studio
Release 2020.11.12 [11/12/20]
- Enhancements to AI Video
- Bug fixes to AI Video
Release 2020.10.26.03 [10/26/20]
- Visual enhancements to Fleet Status page
- Bug fixes to Silent passenger
- Bug fixes to Administration
Release [10/15/2020]
- Implementation of Video AI
Release [10/2/2020]
- Administration user type enhancements
Release [9/29/2020]
- Implementation of INSPECT export with details
Release [9/24/2020]
- Bug fixes to Silent Passenger Turn by Turn directions
- User experience enhancements to Silent Passenger MapView
- User Interface enhancements to TAGS
Release [9/21/2020]
- Introduction of Compliance Inspections
- Implementation of inspection stages for Compliance Inspections
- Enhance signature checkpoints during inspections
- Bug fixes to INSPECT application
Release [9/11/2020]
- Implementation of internal tool for product demos
Release [9/3/2020]
- Bug fixes to Administration
- Bug fixes to Silent Passenger
- Enhancements to support tools inside Administration
Hotfix [8/27/2020]
- Addressed an Administration bug
Release [8/27/2020]
- Ability to filter by TAGS in Fleet Status screen
- Bug fixes in Administration
- Bug fixes in Silent Passenger
Release [8/24/2020]
- Implementation of Tags and Permissions
Release [8/12/2020]
- Implementation of Operations IQ
Release [8/07/2020]
- Ability to export office users & operators to CSV
- New operator external ID field added to Administration
- Enhancements to Silent Passenger address lookup
- Revamped office user permissions
- Enhanced security to 'forget password' process
- Bug fixes to Silent Passenger
- Bug fixes to Administration
Release [7/27/2020]
- Implementation of real-time seat belt status indicator
- New Employee ID field in Operator maintenance
- New enhanced vehicle event alerts with safety events
- Bug fixes within IntelliShift Administration
Release [7/23/2020]
- Implementation of Billing Portal
- Better integration with older web browsers such as Internet Explorer v11
- Bug fixes to Silent Passenger Map Views & Map Layouts
Release [7/16/2020]
- Enhancements to Rapid update within Silent Passenger
- Enhancements to Map Views within Silent Passenger
- Bug Fixes to the Inspect Application
- Implementation of OEM GPS Data Provider
- Better integration with Internet Explorer v11
Release [7/02/2020]
- SP Camera Live Stream
- Bug fixes to IntelliShift Administration
Hotfix [6/26/2020]
- Visual enhancements to Silent Passenger for a better user experience
- Bug fixes to Silent Passenger application
Release [6/18/2020]
- New Silent Passenger application
- Inspect enhancements
Hotfix 1.2.19 [6/3/2020]
- Bug fixes and enhancements to the Inspect application
Hotfix 1.2.16 [5/18/2020]
- Bug Fixes to the Administration application
Hotfix 1.2.14 [5/11/2020]
- Added Alert Recipients Field to Inspection Templates
- Added Company Settings page for a more precise In The Field experience
- Updated the use of "Vehicles" in the Inspect Dashboard to represent "Assets"
- Bug Fixes and Security Enhancements
Hotfix 1.2.11 [4/30/2020]
- Made enhancements to the IntelliShift overall experience
Hotfix 1.2.10 [4/28/2020]
- Enhancements to Inspect application
- Minor User Interface bug fixes
- Added GainSight Enhancements
Release 1.2.0 [4/6/2020]
- The release of Inspect
Hotfix 1.1.22 [3/24/2020]
- Added IMEI column to asset CSV export
Hotfix 1.1.21 [3/2/2020]
- Enhancements made to Contact Support module
Hotfix 1.1.19 [2/20/2020]
- Internet Explorer v11 enhancements
- Fixed KeyFob drop down list
- Fixed user permissions issues
- Addressed backend issues with operator and user updates
Hotfix 1.1.18 [2/10/2020]
- Made enhancements to Silent Passenger dashboard metrics
- Added the ability to create a new user from Site Admin screen
- Made enhancements to site admin page for better logging
Hotfix 1.1.17 [1/24/2020]
- Fixed text fields inside user management which were not displaying properly with Internet Explorer v11
- Fixed display issue with email address in user management when using Internet Explorer v11
- Implemented Operator ID field inside the Operator Management page
- Implemented new user permission called 'Operator Identification' inside user management
Hotfix 1.1.16 [1/21/2020]
- Fixed filter in Silent Passenger Dashboard view details
- Fixed display issues from within Branch administration
- Fixed IntelliShift transition issues between sub-menus inside Silent Passenger
- Implemented advanced search feature in User, Operator, and Asset management
Hotfix 1.1.15 [1/20/2020]
- Fixed user management filter timing issue
- Fixed back-end administration processes.
- Fixed refresh issue in site admin page after modifications are done
Hotfix 1.1.13 [1/16/2020]
- Fixed clone user feature
- Fixed Internet Explorer v11 issue when exporting Assets to CSV
- Added horizontal scroll in branch management list to accommodate large branch names
- Fixed - When a user is starting or stopping impersonate, display an overlay that disables the applications and displays a loader until the start/Stop functions have completed
Hotfix 1.1.11 [1/13/2020]
- Fixed Javascript errors which were causing the MapView not to display in Silent Passenger
- Implemented resend email confirmation link inside user maintenance
- Made enhancements to user administration experience
Hotfix 1.1.10 [1/10/2020]
- Made styling fixes to user profile editable fields
- Addressed caching issues inside Internet Explorer v11
- Added the ability to search for Assets by IMEI number
Hotfix 1.1.7 [1/9/2020]
- Fixed text display issues when using Internet Explorer v11 browser from within User management
Hotfix 1.1.6 [1/9/2020]
- Made margin improvements as well as addressed a few clipping issues with Internet Explorer v11
- Addressed a few display issues with permission chips inside Internet Explorer v11
- Implemented a user preference page
- Expanded edit user screen to accommodate long branch names
- Enhanced back-end processes
- Fixed issue with other mobile group assets appearing on map view
- Implemented SP Quickview page inside the IntelliShift platform.
- Implemented vehicle visibility feature inside the IntelliShift platform
Hotfix 1.1.5 [1/8/2020]
- Fixed filterable headers inside Internet Explorer v11
- Fixed branch management view display issues inside IntelliShift administration
- Updated color pallet in user management
- Implemented Vehicle Management page inside the IntelliShift platform
- Fixed Internet Explorer v11 incompatibility issues with IntelliShift platform as well as updated color scheme
Hotfix 1.1.4 [1/7/2020]
- Implemented page for creating zendesk support ticket inside IntelliShift platform
- Fixed bug where new users were not receiving welcome emails to confirm account
- Implemented a hosting page for report handling
Hotfix 1.1.3 [1/3/2020]
- Implemented get IP from MS Azure
- Fixed application drawer not expanding when user logs in for the first time
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