IntelliShift AD-1230/AD-2840 Guide
The following is a wire guide for powered assets AD-1230 and AD-2840
- Red – Power 12V
- White – Ignition
- Black – Ground
- Blue – Input 1
- Red – Power 12V
- White – Ignition
- Black – Ground
- Blue – Input 1
- Orange - Input 2
- White/Blue – 1-Wire Data
Wiring Guide
- We utilize these devices for an array of applications, but we’ll go through how to install them on a trailer.
- Both the Power (Red) and Ignition (White) will be tied together and wired to either the Auxiliary Power / Brakes (Usually Blue wire on 7-Way Trailer Plugs) or the Parking / Running Lights (Brown). In some instances, we will diode isolate both the Aux Power and Parking / Running Lights to our device so the customer would get power from either wire (pics below). Ground (Black) will go to the Ground Wire (White) or directly to the chassis itself.
- Please confirm with the client on how they want their asset tracked. Example: if the client has a Power Washer Trailer, they might want to monitor the Power Washer directly via its Ignition rather than the Trailer plug. This is to ensure that the Power Washer is being used (Ignition On) rather than just showing the trailer on site.
- For Door Monitoring, both devices have the Input 1 designated to the Blue wire of the device wire harness. This is a Negative input. Please refer to our Door/IO guide for more info.
- For Temp Monitoring, only the AD-2840 has this capability. This device has the White/Blue wire designated off the device wire harness. This is for the Data wire off the Temp probe. Please refer to our Temp guide for more info
Before finalizing installation, please contact our Hardware Verification Department at 631-339-7185 to have them verify the vehicle is visible in Silent Passenger and is registering properly.
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