New Features
- Added Global Settings module: This new module will be available to all Account Administrators and Administrators. The Company Settings section has been relocated to the Global Settings module from the Administration module to streamline access. Our new enhanced asset and operator classification feature is available with the Global Settings module via the Tags Management tab which allows the creation and modification to tags. See below for more on tags!
- New Feature - Tags: Tags is a new feature to the IntelliShift platform enhance asset and operator classification and grouping which allows users with the appropriate permissions the ability to assign Assets & Operators to groups outside of their business unit or Branch Hierarchy. This allows Assets or Operators to be assigned to various Groups rather than just living within a single branch within the company hierarchy. By Assigning Tags to Assets or Operators it will allow users to display the Assets / Operators that reside within that Tag on a Map View, Fleet Status as well as On-Demand Reports. Click here for more info on Tags
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