A Widget is a collection of data formed into a specific report and presented in a visual format to be displayed as simple numeric metrics, tables and charts. IntelliShift's Fleet IQ supports over 50 different widgets allowing users to configure their customizable dashboards.
In This Guide we will covering:
- What Widgets Are Available?
- What Do Each Of The Widgets Mean?
Available Fleet IQ Widgets with Definitions:
- Asset Utilization By Branch(Table) - The Percentage of days where any movement occurred, broken out by Branch.
- Asset Utilization By Branch(Bar Graph) - The Percentage of days where any movement occurred, broken out by Branch.
- Assets Moving by Hour - The Number of Assets moving by Hour. Reference Lines are used to display Average and Max number of assets moving. In green, it displays the number of Active Assets within the fleet.
- Drive, Idle & Stop Hours By Branch(Table) - Displays the total Drive, Idle & Stop Hours by Branch
- Speed Exception Counts By Branch(Table) - Displays Speeding Exceptions per Branch. High Speed, Posted Speed and & over Speed limit thresholds.
- Average Score Over Time(Bar Graph) - The Average Company Score based on the Scorecard Selected.
- Deductions Over Time(Bar Graph) - The total number of events by type based on the Driver Scorecard over time.
- Fleet Average Score(Gauge) - The Average Daily Company Score based on the Scorecard Selected
- Idle Time threshold Minutes(KPI) - Idle Time Threshold for the Selected Scorecard(This will only represent the KPI for the Scorecard, and is not representative of a Company Metric affecting other widgets).
- Operator Average Daily Score(Table) - Report of the Average Daily Scorecard Score for each Operator over the requested time period.
- Speed Gauge Threshold(KPI) - Posted Speed Limit Threshold for the Selected Scorecard(This will only represent the KPI for the Scorecard, and is not representative of a Company Metric affecting other widgets).
- Speed Gauge Threshold Overage Duration(KPI) - Posted Speed Limit Threshold Duration for the Selected Scorecard(This will only represent the KPI for the Scorecard, and is not representative of a Company Metric affecting other widgets).
- Speeding Threshold(KPI) - High Speed Limit Threshold for the Selected Scorecard(This will only represent the KPI for the Scorecard, and is not representative of a Company Metric affecting other widgets).
- Speeding Threshold Overage Duration(KPI) - High Speed Limit Threshold Duration for the Selected Scorecard(This will only represent the KPI for the Scorecard, and is not representative of a Company Metric affecting other widgets).
- Diagnostics By Type(Table) - The Total Engine Codes triggered by Trouble Code over the requested time frame.
- Diagnostics Over Time(Area Chart) - The Total Engine Diagnostic Codes Over Time.
- Frequency of Engine Codes(Horizontal Bar Graph) - The Frequency Engine Codes triggered by Trouble Code over the requested time frame.
- Idle Metrics By Branch(Bar Graph) - The Number of Idle Events, Idle Hours and Average Idle Duration by Branch.
- Idle Metrics Over Time(Bar Graph) - Displays the Idle Hours segmented into During Business Hours and Off Hours.
- Assets Not Moving(Donut) - Reports the Number of Assets that have not moved segmented into day groupings.
- 0-4 Days
- 5-9 Days
- 10-19 Days
- 20+ Days
- Assets Not Reporting(Donut) - Reports the Number of Assets that have not reported to IntelliShift segmented into day groupings.
- 0-4 Days
- 5-9 Days
- 10-19 Days
- 20+ Days
- Average Ignition Hours(Horizontal Bar Graph) - The Average Ignition Hours per Asset by Day of Week. It is segmented by during Business Hours and Off Business Hours.
- Average Mileage Graph(Horizontal Bar Graph) - The Average Miles per Asset by Day of Week. It is segmented by during Business Hours and Off Business Hours.
- Diagnostic Events(KPI With Trendline) - The Number of Diagnostic events triggered on all Assets.
- Hard Breaking Events(KPI With Trendline) - The Number of Hard Breaking events triggered on all Assets.
- Harsh Turning Events(KPI With Trendline) - The Number of Harsh Turning events triggered on all Assets.
- Miles, Travel Hours & Stops(Bar Graph) - Displays Mileage, Hours Driven, and Stops Over time
- Potential Fuel Savings From Idling(Bar Graph) - Total Idle Hours and Potential Fuel Savings from Idling
- Rapid Acceleration Events(KPI With Trendline) - The Number of Rapid Acceleration events triggered on all Assets.
- Speed Limit Threshold Events(KPI With Trendline) - The Number of Posted Speed Limit Exception events triggered on all Assets. Triggered by the Value of MPH Over Speed Limit
- Speed Limit Threshold Percent Events(KPI With Trendline) - The Number of Posted Speed Limit Exception events triggered on all Assets. Triggered by the Percent of MPH Over Speed Limit
- Speed Threshold Events(KPI With Trendline) - The Number of High Speed Exception events triggered on all Assets.
- Average Daily Hours(KPI) - The Daily Average Ignition Hours per Asset.
- Average Daily Metrics By Branch(Table) - Displays the Average Daily Hours, Miles, Ignition Hours and Total Miles per branch.
- Average Daily Miles(KPI) - The Daily Average Trip Miles per asset.
- Drive Hours Over Time(Bar Graph) - The Total Hours Driven by Time Period. Segmented within Regular Business Hours & Off Hours.
- Idle Hours Over Time(Bar Graph) - The Daily Average Idle by Time Period. Segmented within Regular Business Hours & Off Hours.
- Ignition Hours Over Time(Bar Graph) - The Daily Average Ignition by Time Period. Segmented within Regular Business Hours & Off Hours.
- Miles Over Time(Bar Graph) - The Daily Average Miles Driven by Time Period. Segmented within Regular Business Hours & Off Hours.
- Average Daily Events(KPI) - The Average Daily High Speed Exceptions Events
- Average Over Speed Limit Threshold Amount(KPI) - The Average over speed limit threshold for reporting time period.
- Average Over Speed Limit Threshold Percent(KPI) - The Average over speed limit percentage for reporting time period.
- Fleet Speeding % (Line Graph) - A Compliance Graph representing a percentage of High Speed Limits, & Posted Speed Limit Percentage in comparison to In Compliance Driving
- In Compliance is a reference to all movement events of an asset where there is no exceptions.
- Percent Speeding Events(KPI) - The Percent of Speeding Events compared to All Movement Events.
- Speed Threshold Average(KPI) - The Company Speed Threshold used to track exceptions.
- Speeding Events Over Time(Area Chart) - The Total number of Speeding Events Over Time, referencing back to the Company Speed Threshold.
- Hard Braking Fleet Daily Averages(KPI) - The Daily Average Hard Breaking events per Asset.
- Harsh Turning Fleet Daily Averages(KPI) - The Daily Average Harsh Turning events per Asset.
- Rapid Acceleration Fleet Daily Averages(KPI) - The Daily Average Rapid Acceleration events per Asset.
- Ignition /Trip Hours & Stops Over Time(Bar Graph) - The Stop Count & Travel Time over the device reporting period. Segmented by During Business Hours & Off Hours.
- Ignition/Trip Hours, Miles, & Stops By Branch(Table) - The Stop Count & Travel Time over the reporting period by branch.
- Ignition/Trip Miles & Stops Over Time(Bar Graph) - The Stop Count & Travel Miles over the device reporting period. Segmented by During Business Hours & Off Hours.
- Detailed Fuel Usage - A detailed table overview of fuel use and efficiency.
- Fuel Usage Trend - Displays a rolling trend of fuel use over time, segmented by branch.
- Idle Trend - Displays a rolling trend of idle time over time, segmented by branch.
- CO2 Trend - Displays a rolling trend of CO2 emission over time, segmented by branch.
- Fuel Price Trend - Displays a rolling trend of averaged fuel prices over time.
- Excessive Fuel Purchases - Provides a table of excessive fuel purchase events.
- Not at Fueling Location - Provides a table of fuel transactions where the assigned asset or operator was not physically present.
- Ranked MPG - Ranks assets or operators by fuel effeciency.
- Ranked Fuel Spend - Ranks assets or operators by their fuel purchases.
- Ranked Fuel Price - Ranks assets or operators by their averaged fuel price.
- Overall Fuel Spend - Displays total fuel purchase amount in dollars and compares to prior date range.
- Overall Fuel Usage - Displays total fuel purchase amount in gallons or liters and compares to prior date range.
- Overall Fuel Efficiency - Displays average fuel effeciency in MPG or L/100KM and compares to prior date range.
- Overall CO2 Emissions - Displays total CO2 emissions in pounds or kilograms and compares to prior date range.
- Overall Excessive Fuel Purchases - Displays a count of excessive fuel purchases and compares to prior date range.
- Overall Not At Fueling Location - Displays a count of fuel purchases where the assigned asset or operator was not present and compares to prior date range.
- Fuel Price - Displays an averaged fuel price and compares to prior date range.
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