A dashboard is a series of widgets together, which provides organizations with the ability to have a single screen in which provides users with the ability the data that is important to them within a single pane of glass in which the most informative decisions can be made. A dashboard within Fleet IQ supports 10 pre-built dashboards focused on everything from Asset Utilization, Safety, Diagnostics, Speed and Fleet Summary data. If users are looking to create dashboards of specific widgets and data important to them, they can and even share those dashboards with others within the organization.
In This Guide we will be Covering:
- Accessing Fleet IQ
- Loading Dashboards
- Filtering a Dashboard & Widget Controls
- Creating Your Own Dashboard
Accessing Fleet IQ
- Log In To IntelliShift
- From the IntelliShift App Menu Click Fleet IQ
- You will be within the Fleet IQ Dashboard Page
- On the First Launch there will be no dashboard Loaded and you can load the dashboard of your choice or create a new one.
Loading a Fleet IQ Dashboard
IntelliShift's Fleet IQ Dashboard comes preloaded with 10 predefined Dashboards. However as users within the organization create their own or other users have shared the dashboard users will be able to load those as well.
Here are the Icon to represent the following Ownership of Dashboards:
- Global Dashboard - All Users and All Organizations are provided with access to the dashboard.
- Can not be modified
- Can be cloned to be utilized as a baseline for a Custom Dashboard
- Shared Dashboard(Non-Owner)| Shared Dashboard(Owner) - A Shared Dashboard is a Organization dashboard created by a user, and shared to all users within the organization.
- Can only be modified by the Created User
- Can be cloned to be utilized as a baseline for a Custom Dashboard
- Owned Dashboard(Not Shared) - A Custom Created Dashboard, not shared with any users within the organization.
- Not visible to any other users within the organization
- Can be modified by the creator.
- Can be cloned to be used as a template for another dashboard.
To load a dashboard users will select a Dashboard from the Dashboard Drop Down, Once a Dashboard has been selected each of the widgets will load the data from the selected Date Filter.
Filtering a Dashboard & Widget Controls
- Branch Filter
- Users can control which branch's to be utilized across all widgets within the Loaded Dashboard.
- This will take the Averages of just the branches selected, and any data of non-selected branches will not be utilized in the values provided.
- Users can select a Parent Branch(s) or Children Branch(s) and it will automatically apply a waterfall effect to automatically select any branches that exist under the select branch hierarchy. However, any of the branches can be deselected to exclude it from the dashboard metrics.
- Date Filter
- By default, a dashboard will be loaded with the last 7 days of data
- Users have the control to modify the Date Range with the following Values
- Custom - A Custom Date allows users to select a Start Date & End Date, This does allow users to select up t the last 36 months of dates for data to be loaded on the dashboard.
- Today - This will display the data captured from today.
- Please note there is a 4 hour delay of data being displayed within the Fleet IQ Dashboard when reviewing metrics of Todays Date.
- Yesterday - This will show all data of the date of Yesterday
- Last Week - This will display the data from the last completed Week.
- Last Month - This will display the data from the last completed Month.
- Last 7 Days - This will include data from the last 7 days, including todays current date.
- Last 30 Days - This will include data from the last 30 days, including todays current date.
- Widget Controls
- Widget Controls are accessible from Table Displayed Widgets
- Expand All - Will allow a user to expand all branches within the Hierarchy. This will only be displayed when the user has selected the Display All Branches
- Collapse All - Will allow a user to Collapse all branches within the Hierarchy. This will only be displayed when the user has selected the Display All Branches
- Fleet Level
- Display Branches - This will only display the Top Level Parent Branch(s)
- Display All Branches - This will Display All Branches from the lowest child branch through the highest parent branch.
- Display Assets - This will display all Assets within the Children branches.
- Widget Controls are accessible from Table Displayed Widgets
Creating A Dashboard
Creating a Dashboard allows users the ability to drag and drop Widgets on to the Dashboard to build their own configurable dashboard.
- Log In to IntelliShift
- Open the Fleet IQ App from the App Menu
- On the Top Right of the Fleet IQ Dashboard Page click the New Dashboard Button
- Within the Create Dashboard Screen, you will be able to drag and drop any of the widgets on to the Dashboard
- Once a Widget has been dragged on to the dashboard, at the bottom right corner of each widget it can be dragged to resize the widget.
- Once all the Widgets have been assigned to the dashboard Users can Name the Dashboard and provide a description to the dashboard as well.
- There is an option to Publish the Dashboard which will make the dashboard available to all users within the organization.
- Once completed the user can click the Save Button.
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