Inspection Checkpoint Dependencies Allow users to set up an Inspection Template with Follow up requirements based on the way that an operator fills out a specific Checkpoint. For example, if a operator is asked to perform an inspection where one of the checkpoints was Headlights Working. A Checkpoint dependency allows the User to say, if the operator marks this checkpoint as a Pass or Fail, and it matches to the expected dependent response, it will require the user to fill in a sub set of checkpoints such as Pictures, Comments or even a signature.
Setting up a Checkpoint with Dependencies
- Open an Existing Template or Create a New One.
- Add/Edit a Component where you want to Dependency to reside
- Click the next to the Checkpoint where you want to add the dependency.
- Enter the name of the first dependency you want to add.
- Within the Type Field, select the type of warranted response
- Confirm the Checkpoint response that will trigger the operator to fill in the dependency
- Repeat the process as needed, Click Save when Completed
Viewing Components with Dependencies
- Load the Template
- Within Each Component Card, you will see each of the checkpoints.
- If a checkpoint has a dependency, it will show a "+" with the number of dependencies assigned to the checkpoint
- Hovering over the dependency checkpoint icon, it will display the additional questions, and the anticipated response for each question.
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