IntelliShift Platform
AI Video
- Coaching Needed - A new status ‘Coaching Needed’ has been added to the AI Video platform. Driver and Safety Mangers can now review videos and plan coaching sessions by marking events as ‘Coaching Needed.’ Users of the AI Video platform can filter and sort AI Video events by this new status.
- Simplified Coaching Experience – To simplify and streamline the coaching process for safety managers and driver supervisors, a new AI Video coaching workflow was added allowing users to update a large number of AI Video events simultaneously. Users can filter AI Video captured events by status, asset, operator, or severity, then view a queue of videos and apply mass updates. For more information on this process, please see the AI VIdeo Mass Coaching guide.
Fuel Manager
- Fuel Manager – The Administration Pages for the IntelliShift Fuel Manager have been refreshed providing a consistent, intuitive experience to the rest of the IntelliShift platform. New self-service workflows for fuel card assignments were added. Administrators can easily add and edit card assignments. To simplify the onboarding process, tools were added to enhance the onboarding process providing Administrators the option to upload fuel card data. For more information regarding the changes to Fuel Card Administration, please see the Fuel Manager Administration guide.
Reporting Changes
- Key Fob Summary Report – This new report gives tools for auditing key fob activity. The Key Fob Summary Report is found in Historical and Scheduled Reports and provides a consolidated view including operator name, key fob ID, usage, unique usage days, and last date and time each key fob was used.
- Geofence Summary Report – The maximum duration of the report was increased. Users can now generate Geofence Summary Reports for periods up to 1 month in both On Demand and Scheduled Reports.
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