A. Postman Setup
The following steps will guide you through the necessary steps to install and configure the Postman application and load the necessary environment configuration to interface with the Ford vehicles. It's important to note that you should always make sure that you select the 2.0 IntelliShift environment when making any changes. The screen shots shown in this guide will provide you with examples of how data is added to each of the scripts.
Step 1. Download and install Postman: https://www.postman.com/downloads/
Step 2. Download the following two files to configure and build your Postman Environment.
- https://vehicletrackingsolutions.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/ProductManagement/EY4_J_awGuhDgNMxvCK3lQABN0Sp9py43-62fbJ7M-ENkQ?e=qsBGSZ
- https://vehicletrackingsolutions.sharepoint.com/:u:/s/ProductManagement/Ebsw5GRtmblHoV9ACAIIL2cBAM7dyTw4J0nBmK4F0k470w?e=nTYdsF
Step 3. After installing Postman, go to File -> Import, and add the following two files by dragging them into the Importer:
Step 4. Make sure you always select the 2.0 IntelliShift environment within the Postman environment.
B. Session Authentication
Before any interaction can occur with the Ford service, you must authenticate your session. This token expires every hour and will need to be reset when it expires.
Step 1. Select "FCS Vehicle Enrollment 2.0 - PROD" in the Collections workspace.
Step 2. Select " POST Auth Token" this will load the script to be executed.
Step 3. Click on the "Send" button to execute the script.
Step 4. Confirm that the token has been created and returned (green box). You have approximately 1 hour to use this token before it expires and your session has to be resubmitted.
C. Ford Enrollment
The Ford Enrollment process involves making sure that both the Customer and the team at Ford both have completed the necessary steps to enroll the Ford vehicle. Typically, the customer will ask Ford to make sure to authorize IntelliShift on the vehicles account.
Step 1. Create a Zendesk ticket and email a VIN list to FCS1@Ford.com to verify compatibility. Make sure to enter the ticket Subtype is labeled "Ford Enrollment", cc Matt Aspinwall, and attach the VIN Compatibility spreadsheet to the ticket.
Example Zendesk Email to send to Ford:
Hello Ford,
Can you please verify the attached list of VINs are compatible with Ford OEM Telematics integration for our client, <Customer Name>?
Please let me know if there are any questions or comments.
Kind regards,
<Your Name>
Step 2. The Customer must contact Ford and authorize IntelliShift to be on their Commercial account for each individual asset. Their are two ways that the Customer can contact Ford. FCS Business Center at 833-FCS-FORD or e-mail FCS1@ford.com
Note: Enrollment can't begin until the customer confirms by email that this step has been completed.
Step 3. The vehicle must have CCS (Connected Car Settings) enabled – this is typically done before sale of the vehicle. If during troubleshooting any issue arises, reach out to Ford to confirm that this change has been made.
Step 4. In Genesis make sure that vehicle slots exist at the correct price point of $9.99. These assets will have no details associated to them at the price point matching the agreement.
Step 5. Enter the Vehicle Name and VIN into Genesis. If you are asked to enroll vehicles and don't have at least the Vehicle Name & VIN, then ask the requestor for it. Typically this would be CS, Sales, Onboarding, or the Customer.
Step 6. Going forward all provisioning can be achieved through Genesis, under the customer’s vehicles tab by right clicking a vehicle and choosing “Provision to Ford TMC” as shown below:
Note: The vehicle that is being provisioned MUST NOT have an IMEI associated and MUST have VIN prepopulated.
Step 7. Once the vehicle is confirmed as provisioned, you will need to authenticate your session in Postman. See section B. Session Authentication.
Step 8. In Postman, using the “Enroll Single VIN” option, add:
- Product – SKU-0000019-A
- Name – <Vehicle Name>
- VIN – <VIN>
- Click on the "Send" button to execute the script.
Step 9. Advise the client to power the vehicle on and drive for 15 minutes within 24-hours to complete enrollment.
Note: Enrollment will fail after 24 hours if no vehicle activity is detected.
Step 10. Checking on the status of an enrollment. The enrollment process should be performed when you are sure the client can drive the vehicle in the next 24 hours. Typically, we try to ask customers to perform this during the early part of the week and avoid potential weekends. Below is an example of a vehicle still in the enrollment process.
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