Silent Passenger
The Landmarks pages in Silent Passenger have been updated to fit the current IntelliShift style. A Detail view is now available for Landmarks and Landmark Categories to enable more intuitive navigation throughout Landmarks.
A new Detailed Daily State Mileage Report is now available for operators regularly crossing state lines. This report is intended to aid in fuel tax audits, supporting for each vehicle and day a detailed breakdown of each state visited including:
- Entry time
- Exit time
- Primary road of travel
- Entry odometer
- Exit odometer
- Mileage
- Fuel gallons purchased*
- Fuel dollars spent*
- Fuel location*
*Requires Fuel Manager
Fuel Manager
The Fuel Manager now supports imports of any fuel transaction through a new option in Fuel Manager Administration. Either download the provided template or use your own CSV of fuel transactions.
The import tool guides you through mapping each column to the correct value and supports saving this mapping to speed future fuel imports.
To ensure proper analysis, create a card assignment prior to importing fuel transactions.
A new column has been added to the Issues page to provide Issue Number.
A new column has been added to the Inspections page to provide Inspection Number.
IntelliShift Enhancements
Additional default home pages have been added to User Profile Settings, accessible from the user icon in the top-right of IntelliShift. Default home pages now supported include:
- Fuel Manager Dashboard
- Inspect Dashboard
- Silent Passenger Map
- Silent Passenger Dashboard
- AI Video Dashboard
- AI Video Events
- Fleet IQ
- Operations IQ
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